
Liaison: Carrie Fortuny-Gonzalez

Address: 10688 Old St. Augustine Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32257
Phone Number: 904-391-6644

For more information about the event, including the address and directions, please refer to the contact information.

Date Time Event Location County Contact Information More Information
8/27/2024 2:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. SHINE Bingo Campus Towers, 1850 Kings Rd., Jacksonville, FL 32209 Duval Andrea Sakin, Service Coordinator, (904) 654-7301 Open to residents of Campus Towers.
10/8/2024 2:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m. Open Enrollment Period Cypress Village, 4600 Middleton Park Circle East, Jacksonville, FL 32224 Duval Crissy Slifka, Wellness Manager, 904-807-6221 Open to residents of Cypress Village.
Elder Interior